01/08/2018 - Public transport and tourist attractions map around Northern Italian Lakes
Here's our public transport and tourist attractions map to help you find your way and get around Lake Maggiore, Lake Lugano and Varese.
Simply click the the google markers on the below map, so you can find what you need: trains and timetables, navigation on lakes and timetables, top tourists attractions, main busses in Varese...
We are going to update the tourist map quite often.
Enjoy and explore easily all the top places what our area has to offer.
You can directly get info in below list:
Lake Maggiore: tourist attractions
Isola Bella, Isola Madre and Isola Pescatori
Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso
Laveno cable car
Villa Taranto Botanical Gardens
Villa Pallavicino Park
Rocca d'Angera
The colosse of Saint Charles Borromeo
Lake Lugano: tourist attractions
Monte Generoso
Serpiano cable car
Varese: tourist attractions
Gardens in Varese
Villa Menafoglio Litta Panza at Varese
Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Monte at Varese. It's on the list of UNESCO Worldwide Heritage sites
Villa Della Porta Bozzolo at Casalzuigno (Varese)
Arcumeggia (Varese)
Monastery of Torba at Torba (Varese)
Church of the Collegiata and Museum at Castiglione Olona (Varese)
Como: attraction for cyclists
Shrine of Madonna del Ghisallo
Railways and navigation on the lakes
Lake Maggiore navigation
Lake Lugano navigation